After prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny), our Lady ZAINAB is the daughter of the greatest 2, Ali and Fatimah. Unshakable trust in God, uncompromising resilience for the truth, compose the personality of Lady ZAINAB.
Who is ZAINAB?
A symbol of courageous uncompromising resistance against oppression and evil.
Lady ZAINAB: Unparalleled trust in God, unrivaled justice, unequaled fairness, uncompromising values, unbending courage, unsurpassed morality & unending piety.
Why you need to know about her?
The problems which humanity at large is facing require a lady ZAINAB-style solution, right now.
Problem: Racism, exploitation, false-flag operations, deceit, occupation, neocolonialism, imperialism & Zionism.
Solution: Lady ZAINAB.